Cinderella Cleaning & Ironing is a professional cleaning company located in Surbiton, specializing in home cleaning services, office cleaning, maids, housekeeping and ironing services. Committed to excellence, our dedicated and innovative team prioritizes reliability and flexibility, offering competitively priced services that maintain the highest quality standards. Our fully trained and insured maids and professional cleaners ensures that our valued customers consistently receive excellent service.
Housekeeping Services – we will help you to organize your household duties in a professional way that suits your individual requirements. You are welcome to combine our housekeeper service with any of the other services we provide.
Party help – Want to make a special impression at a home, office or dinner party? Forget about the worries and enjoy your party, we will do the rest. We can help with all kinds of parties and special events! Remember, we can also assist with cleaning up the mess after the party!
Handyman – We can help you with repairs and maintenance that will help keep your home or business running smoothly.
You can book our services by calling 0757 87 98 422, or emailing: info@cinderellacleaning.co.uk
We will give you a quotation based on each customer’s personal requirements with no hidden costs or fees.